
On Monday in assembly the house captains explained to the school all about their coloured wrist band to show which house they belong to and all children were issued with one. The bands are to stay in school at the end of each day to hopefully minimise the chance of them being lost. The children are enjoying wearing their bands and finding other children with the same colour band who are in their house.
They were also asked by the house captains to come up with ideas for the end of term treat for the house which earns the most house points. At the front of the school each house has a message box in which they can post these suggestions and any other suggestions or comments for their house captains about the school. Please feel free to encourage your child to make suggestions and you’re more than welcome to help the younger children by writing the note with them at home for them to post.
The house captains look forward to reading all the suggestions and deciding on the house point treat which will be put up on the house points display at the front of the school in a couple of weeks so everyone knows what the reward will be.

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